Friday, October 9, 2015

2015-2016 hunting season

Well, today will mark the end of the first week of running our dogs daily for a half-day, and actually shooting some quail over them. According to all reports that I am receiving, both the dogs and the guides attempting to kill a few quail have improved a lot from Monday through today. Our winter grass has all been planted, and the lodge grounds are really looking good.

All of the staff, guides, and housekeeping received their flu shots on Wednesday of this week. Since I am officially the only old person on the payroll, I got both a flu and pneumonia shot. My precious four year old granddaughter, Caroline, was at the office when this was taking place. She felt that it was important to hold my hand so that I would not cry. She even went the extra mile, and let me hold her precious stuffed animal, Babel, while I got my shots. She held my hand and patted me the entire time. Shots do not faze me in the least,but I thought that her gesture was very touching. However, after watching some of our macho guides, I concluded that Nurse Caroline might have served better by administering to them.

Next Wednesday, we will have our kick-off steak dinner down here for the guides. This is always a big evening at Riverview as we go over our goals and expectations for the coming season. We will officially open the 2015-2016 hunting season on Sunday afternoon, Oct. 18th, and we are all very excited about beginning our 58th year in the quail hunting business.

Fall is arriving right on schedule for us. The mornings are cool, the humidity is leaving the air, and the gnats are beginning to go wherever in the heck that they go. Personally, I wish that they would go to either hell or Syria. My beloved Georgia Bulldogs have pulled their annual folding act, and were trounced by Alabama last Saturday; so now I can concentrate on the quail hunting business.

Thanks to abundant rainfall, the woods look as good as I have ever seen them, and the birds are plentiful. As we say in the south, " Y'all come see us" !

1 comment:

  1. Had the Cardinal skeet shooting Tuesday- he is still smokin em! Havens had a difficult time hitting anything! CU soon!
    Ben W
