At a time when 8.5 million Americans still don't have jobs, some 40% have given up even looking. Those statistics come from a survey issued this past Wednesday which begs the question, " Do folks without jobs celebrate Labor Day"? Way back in my much younger years, I found it was much easier to get a girlfriend if you already had a girlfriend. I think that the same thought process applies to jobs.
One of the reasons that I've been hesitant to really embrace full retirement is that I wonder how I would get excited about the weekend coming or taking off and going on a vacation. If every day is a holiday, what does one look forward to ? I think that I'm going to keep on working with the same mission my Dad had--to second guess and criticize the current management and my son. The view from the cheap seats is pretty good if you want to know the truth.
Gas prices are declining, and everyone except the oil companies and Riverview is celebrating cheaper prices at the pump. The reason we are not excited about it here is that the oil patch likes to hunt. As their profit margins erode, so does their discretionary spending. I would just as soon pay a little bit more at the pump, and keep seeing all of my oil buddies hunting here.
If you are going to be traveling this weekend, be careful. There are a lot of crazy drivers on the road. Martha and I will be baby sitting grandchildren this weekend and watching the UGA football game from the best seat in the stadium--my reclining chair!
Have a great Labor Day weekend! You might like retirement :)