As Noah might say, " It came up a cloud this weekend", and before that cloud passed we had received more than four inches of rain at Riverview. The nice thing about this deluge was it started Saturday night , and ended just after day break on Monday morning. Since we do not hunt on Sundays, this was the perfect time to receive a monsoon if you are forced to be on the receiving end of it. But the great thing about this rain is that it has been followed by some blessed cooler weather which has been way overdue on a historical basis. Our high temperature yesterday was 57, and our high today is forecast to be 62. Now that is quail hunting weather !
Speaking of hunting, I watched a very interesting UTube clip the other day. It actually had much more to do with shooting than hunting. In this video a shooter lines up some trap machines and positions them so that the clay targets are coming directly at him at a high rate of speed. Before actually stepping in to shoot, the video shows an outline of the shooter, and the location of the impact of these clay targets should the shooter miss a shot. Suffice it to say that, should he miss a target, he will be singing soprano for the rest of his life. He then steps in and pulverizes single and double incomings without ever missing a target.
I asked myself," could or would I have attempted this in my prime?" The answer to that is"NO". I think that lines up well with my philosophy that I have no desire to hunt anything that could hunt me if I missed it. If quail had small anti-aircraft missiles under their wings, I doubt seriously that I would be a quail hunter. However, I did have a quail drop a liquid bomb on my hunting cap once years ago. Evidently that particular quail was not impressed with my shooting prowess, and expressed his feelings in a very personal way.
Hunting season is off to a grea start as we enter our third week.Come see us this season !
south GA humor at its best. BTW: once when participating in a circular (that should tell you something) continental shoot. i was hit square in the chest by a ballistic dead phesant. Later that day I learned Queen Eliz. experienced the same dead-bird bombing and she cracked a shoulder blade in the process--this made me feel better about myself..