Well, today is the longest day of the year, and the official start to summer. However, today is an unusually cool and pleasant day in South Georgia. Now last week was an entirely different story. As Martha and I were sitting on the porch one day last week around 5:30 pm, I happened to check the temperature/humidity index on my app and it was reading 106 degrees. We had every fan on the porch running on high, and were trying to convince ourselves that we were pleasantly comfortable. We finally quit kidding ourselves and retreated to the AC inside.
I hope that everyone had a great Father's Day yesterday. I sure did ! I was covered up in hugs and kisses from grandchildren, and phone calls and cards from my adult children. I truly believe that being a father and grandfather is my greatest privilege.
Things are rocking right along on schedule at Riverview. We have had plenty of rain, and our woods and food plots are looking great right now. We are keeping a close eye on our feed patches to make sure that the sugar cane aphid doesn't sneak up on us like it did last year. We are ready for that bad boy this time.
Sweet corn harvest is right on schedule. Barring an unforeseen circumstance, we should finish picking all of our sweet corn in the next eleven days. The Fourth of July market is one of the heaviest sweet corn sales volumes of the year, and we are just about to get to that point in the harvest and shipping cycle.
Since it was Father's Day weekend, I had different sets of grandchildren with me all during the weekend. The triplets wanted to go see the "puppy dogs" as they refer to all of our dogs at the kennel. I was afraid that we were going to have a riot after each of them chose an English Cocker that they wanted to take home. Papa had to take a hard stance, and veto all pleas.
Finally, in closing this short update, I want to remind each of you to keep a close eye on your firearms. If we are to believe our elected officials, weapons are the cause of all of the killings we are experiencing these days. I watched my guns all night long, and did not see a single one of them make a move to harm me or my family. I do believe that political correctness and our liberal media along with career politicians will lead to the downfall of this great nation unless we stand up to them.
God bless America !
A-men brother!!!